Wonderful Blanket - Wonderful Family!


This Thanksgiving was very special - for the first time since Sam and Allie's wedding ALL the siblings were together!  We had dinner at Heather and Chris Kroeber's house.  This used to be Gramps and Granny's so that added to the occasion.  Here are the 12 original Smith Family members.

The whole crew - what a MOB!!! Love everyone of these people so much!  Ten children, ten spouses, 34 of 38 grandchildren!!!  We were missing Jordan, Christian, Maddie and Savanna. 

We found a package on our front porch and it had this amazing blanket in it!!  Warm and soft and wonderful!  When Jennie showed Sophie this picture - Sophie thought it was a picture and thought it would take up a whole wall to hang it!!!  
Polly and Chris had it made and sent to us - - and we love it and all the people in it!!!


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