
Showing posts from January, 2024

St. George Trip - Missionary Farewell for Dillons

 On Saturday January 13, we drove to St. George.  This is the sunset from the Parking Lot - we did some shopping and got some flowers for our dear friend Laurel Leavitt - we were staying at her house. We called Joel as we were nearing town and he said he was at Zions Park with some friends - wonderful!  Wonderful Laurel Leavitt - we met her and Fred in North Hills CA.  They are the nicest people - Fred has been on the other side of the veil for four years.  She is so gracious to allow us to use her guest room and feed us breakfast, etc.  Love and respect forever!   Dave and Sherene Dillons house - they are going to be the Office Couple in the Manchester, England Mission.  They enter the MTC in Provo on February 5th.  They have come to several of our church meetings - farewell and homecoming - we were delighted to be invited to theirs!  Sunday, Jan. 14th.  Dave was a graduate student of Harold's at SIU - 1975!  He and the o...

Reid and Zain are good helpers!

 The Fairbanks Grandsons love to help in the yard.  Aunt Polly bought them shovels, rakes, hoes, etc. that are just the right size!  Here Tait is digging a two foot deep hole , Zain and Reid are just shoveling randomly and having a great time.  Tait said: I'm digging a line to the water main!"   Here Reid and Zain are helping Grandpa shovel our back walkway and stairs.  They really are good helpers!  It is fun to help Lindsey when she needs someone to watch them for an hour or so. In the house they helped me shred a big pile of documents that needed shredding!  The worked until the pile was all finished!!   They wanted to lay down in front of the fire - so we started the fireplace and next thing we knew they were both asleep!  After a hard mornings work - they deserve to nap!  The next time we had these two darling grandsons, they took another nap in front of the fireplace.  It must be exhausting to play at grandma's ...

January Happenings

 Sophie came back from Christmas Break, January 6th.  We picked her up at the airport. We took care of her car for her while she was at home.  Her new semester starts on Monday, January 8th -  she'll do well!   January 7th we woke up the the most snow we have had this season.  Isn't our big pine tree pretty?  We shoveled a couple of times - it is easier to shovel 2 inches than 4!!  We have a long front walkway!  I love how much the snow makes things quieter and cleaner!   We enjoy living in this little house!  It is all the room we need and so convenient to Fairbanks.  Great neighbors and ward family.  Bountiful is a nice place to live!  Large icicle at the corner of our back porch!  Reminds me of the huge one when I was a child in Sandy. Dad told us not to touch it and Derrell and I didn't obey - and it broke a window in our house!  

Service Master New Headquarters - January 5, 2024

 Service Master purchased a new building - three times the size of their old one!  Many miracles happened to have this wonderful blessing for the business and the family!  On January 5, there was a dinner and Ribbon Cutting to celebrate!! Mike Fairbanks telling us how much this building will help the business to grow.  It is truly an answer to many prayers and such a blessing!  Appreciative audience listening to the history of the business and the blessing this building will be!  Fairbanks, Simpsons, and Smiths. Bob and Kathy 'cutting the ribbon' - he began the Service Master business in Salt Lake in 1981. This is the huge warehouse space in the new building.  They told all the kids to bring their scooters, bicycles, skates, etc. to play in it.  Soon it would be filled with all the stuff from the old building and there would not be room for the kids to play!   Everyone had a great time!! Simpsons brought the sit on scooters from their sc...

Wonderful Blanket - Wonderful Family!

  This Thanksgiving was very special - for the first time since Sam and Allie's wedding ALL the siblings were together!  We had dinner at Heather and Chris Kroeber's house.  This used to be Gramps and Granny's so that added to the occasion.  Here are the 12 original Smith Family members. The whole crew - what a MOB!!! Love everyone of these people so much!  Ten children, ten spouses, 34 of 38 grandchildren!!!  We were missing Jordan, Christian, Maddie and Savanna.  We found a package on our front porch and it had this amazing blanket in it!!  Warm and soft and wonderful!  When Jennie showed Sophie this picture - Sophie thought it was a picture and thought it would take up a whole wall to hang it!!!   Polly and Chris had it made and sent to us - - and we love it and all the people in it!!!